Infoday 2
Country | Event Title | Date | Place | Format | No of Participants |
Greece | REWIRE 2nd Greek info day | 01-Nov-23 | Online (Teams) | Online | 50 |
Cyprus | REWIRE: 2nd Info day | 17-Nov-23 | Online (Zoom) | Online | 54 |
Hungary | Hungarian REWIRE info day on courses | 24-Nov-23 | Online (Teams) | Online | 25 |
Lithuania | Challenges of Teaching Cybersecurity Competencies | 17-Nov-23 | Mykolas Romeris University Research and Innovation Centre | Face-to-face | 63 |
France | 2ND NATIONAL INFODAY – FRANCE | 15-Nov-23 | TELECOM Nancy, France | Face-to-face | 50 |
Sweden | 2ND NATIONAL INFODAY – SWEDEN | 18-Oct-23 | Aula Medica, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden | Face-to-face | 500 |
Belgium | Securing Cyber Futures: Empowering Skills for Tomorrow | 29-Nov-23 | EfVET premises, Rue d’Arlon 40, Belgium | Face-to-face | 25 |
Spain | Keynote – Cybersecurity Training Needs | 09-Nov-23 | La Salle Campus Barcelona – URL, Spain | Face-to-face | 75 |
Czechia | Meeting of the platform for research and development in cyber and information security | REWIRE InfoDay | 15-Nov-23 | CyberSecurity Hub, Brno, Czechia | Face-to-face | 60 |
Serbia | National CERT and RNIDS National Cyber Conference – Information Security – Joint Responsibility | 17-Oct-23 | Hotel Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia | Face-to-face | 150 |
Portugal | Rewire Info Day – Courses | 14-Nov-23 | Online | Online | 14 |
Greece | REWIRE the future of the EU Cybersecurity sector skills | 27-Oct-23 | Sheraton Rhodes, Greece | Face-to-face | 38 |
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