REWIRE at CONCORDIA Cybersecurity Summit
In the scope of the CONCORDIA Cybersecurity Summit organised on 20 March in Stockholm, Sweden, Ms. Argyro Chatzopoulou, co-founder of Apiroplus Solutions and REWIRE representative, attended the Closing panel “CONCORDIA and Beyond” during which, as a panellist and a member of CONCORDIA and REWIRE projects, she presented concrete results of collaboration and introduced the REWIRE project undertaken by partners from all the pilot projects.
In that respect, the purpose of the Closing panel was to identify best practices and strategies to bring the legacy and achieved results to the further development of the ECCC and national NCCs, as well as building a resilient Europe and advancing digital sovereignty. Additionally, the panel focused mainly on discussing the best strategy to bring all the initiatives together for a sustainable and resilient cybersecurity community.