
R1.1 Consortium Agreement (Confidential)

R1.2 Project Management Handbook (Confidential)

R1.3 EAB framework (Confidential)

R1.4 Coordination and Communication Platform (Confidential)

R1.5 Project meetings (Confidential)

R1.6 Progress and Final Reports (Confidential)

R1.7 Privacy Policy & Procedures (Public – Download the Pdf)

The R 1.7 Privacy Policy & Procedures document contains an accounting of the basic processes that have been designed and implemented by the REWIRE project on personal data processing and protection. It includes the results of the actions performed until month 6 of the project, and relevant updates will be implemented throughout the project life. The results of the activities and corresponding updates will be included in the relevant official reporting of the project and will reside at the project repository. A continuous process has been designed to collect and monitor the personal data processed by the REWIRE project and keep a relevant record. In addition, a Data protection policy has been created, providing the basic principles and rules regarding personal data processing within the REWIRE project. Each project partner will monitor its compliance to the applicable legal and regulatory framework and comply to the REWIRE data protection policy. 

R1.8 Open Data procedures and guidelines (Public – Download the Pdf)

The R 1.8. Open Data procedures and guidelines document presents the methodology that will be followed in the REWIRE project in relation to non-personal and Open Data Management, the data that will be collected, created or processed during the project and how these data will be stored or shared. In order to correctly identify the relevant data, a questionnaire was distributed to all relevant partners and their comments were collected and analyzed, in relation to the data that will be managed during the project lifecycle. The analysis of the data led to the creation of data maps (personal, non-personal and open data). These maps and the relevant information provided in this document can be used by the project partners in their decision regarding the management of data.  

R2.1.1 PESTLE Analysis results (Public – Download this PDF)

Improving the availability and quality of cybersecurity education plays a fundamental role in addressing the current global cybersecurity skills shortage and the demand for cybersecurity professionals. Despite these pressing needs, the reasons for the inability of academia to produce enough graduates with the skills needed at the cybersecurity industry level are still not well understood. We used a PESTLE analysis to explore the factors impacting cybersecurity education from 6 different angles, i.e., Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. In our analysis, 31 different factors affecting cybersecurity education and skills development were revealed. These factors were collected from a European- and Country-level point of view. It is important to notice that this analysis highlights areas that should be addressed in the future. 

R2.2.1 Stakeholder database (Confidential)

The Stakeholders Database (SDB) document aims to assemble a curated dataset about the key project stakeholders, since the REWIRE project relies on incremental collaboration and communication with its relevant stakeholders in the consortium countries and Europe generally. The SDB contains structured information about organizations and individuals operating at local, regional national and European levels which can provide required and necessary insights and inputs for the implementation of multiple REWIRE tasks. The Stakeholders Database was developed in a joint effort with the WP7 team, by requesting the REWIRE consortium partners to update the existing database entries with additional information on existing stakeholders, as well as to add additional stakeholders to use as a base for research in Task 2.2 Skills Needs Analysis.

R2.2.2 Cybersecurity Skills Needs Analysis (Public – Download the PDF)

Finding a scalable methodology for identifying cyber security skills needs is challenging due to a lack of reliable sources of direct information and a lack of a unified terminology across different industry sectors. The R 2.2.2 Cybersecurity Skills Needs Analysis approach relies on creating a data set of job advertisements labelled by the set of skills that the individual job advertisements seek for. The labelled data set was used for training a natural language processing (NLP) machine learning model to be able to predict what skills a particular job ad is seeking. The developed methodology was tested on a set of job advertisements collected from online job ad portals and found that the NLP model has a sufficiently high accuracy for making it a good candidate for automated skills needs analysis. 

R2.2.3 Methodology to anticipate future needs (Public – Download the PDF)

The R 2.2.3 Methodology to Anticipate Future Needs document describes the insights of pilot projects and other valuable sources and methodology applied, giving an overview and proposal of the most valuable methodological approaches. Facing the tremendous speed of new technology development and worrying increase in the number of cyberattacks, it is essential to include and evaluate all possible factors that could contribute to the creation of a long-lasting methodology. However, one of the main challenges missing is a unified cybersecurity skills framework. Having a shared vision is essential to develop long-lasting model and methodology to forecast future cybersecurity skills needs. Combining previous work with a newly created stakeholder survey and automated job ads analysis based on machine learning, methodology for anticipating future needs will also be adjusted to reflect actual market needs.

R2.3.1 Cybersecurity Skills Strategy (Public – Download the PDF)

The R 2.3.1 Cybersecurity Skills Strategy document aims to define strategic directions and action items required for achieving key strategic objectives in order to address skills demand and foster supply in the cybersecurity field. It was developed considering the results of the PESTLE Analysis, the Cybersecurity Skills Needs Analysis, and the preliminary results of the Methodology to Anticipate Future Needs. In the Cybersecurity Skills Strategy, three strategic priorities were defined and the goal is to address all three by seeing them as closely interrelated and dependent on each other. Achieving all three strategic priorities ensures an increase of awareness and attraction of potential cybersecurity talents and guiding them forward and meeting market needs that are expressed using simple and relevant taxonomy. 

R3.1.1 Governance model for the organization (Confidential)

This deliverable studies the different possibilities for establishing the governance of a European cybersecurity skills framework, based on the existing examples of previous organizations.

R3.1.2 Governance processes and procedures (Confidential)

This deliverable describes the processes and procedures that would enable a sustainable operation of the organization.

R3.2.1 European Cybersecurity Blueprint (Public) – Download the PDF

This deliverable describes a European Cybersecurity Blueprint, aiming at stimulating cybersecurity education in Europe. It covers all elements of cybersecurity education that are considered relevant by the REWIRE project. The first element is a skills framework, describing the various job profiles, skills and knowledge relevant for cybersecurity, in an organized manner, and building upon already existing work (ENISA ECSF, ESCO, and output from the pilot projects). The second element is a study of the attractiveness of the cybersecurity sector, describing an analysis of the cybersecurity job market and the demand for cybersecurity professionals. The third element is an analysis of tools for skills identification, enabling interested parties to provide better job descriptions and courses descriptions. The fourth element is an analysis of tools for skills development, identifying courses and programs for acquiring skills and knowledge, as well as career pathways to enable skills development over time. The blueprint concludes with an analysis of a governance framework, describing how such a cybersecurity skills framework could be maintained in the long term for the benefit of the European community.

R3.3.1 Cybersecurity skills Framework (Public) Download the PDF

This deliverable presents the REWIRE Cybersecurity Skills Framework, drawing on ENISA skills framework version 2 (draft version 0.5), considering the classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) and other existing competence frameworks.

R3.4.1 Mapping the framework to existing courses and schemes (Public) Download the PDF

This deliverable deals with the mapping of existing cybersecurity training courses, universities curricula, and certification schemes to the ENISA cybersecurity framework. To make the mapping possible, REWIRE groups are introduced that also allow a better understanding and analysis of the ENISA framework. Moreover, a new web application, namely the Curricula Profiler, is proposed since provides an easier and more user-friendly mapping of skills and existing courses than a Portable Document Format (PDF) report.

R3.5.1 Cybersecurity career pathway analysis (Public) – Download the PDF

This deliverable contains the results of the analysis of the 12 role profiles that fed into the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework, with the aim to identify the interconnections between them. The interconnections and relationships between the roles is a crucial step for the development of the career pathways or career propagation paths.

R3.6.1 European Cybersecurity Blueprint v2 (Public) – Download the PDF

This deliverable describes a European Cybersecurity Blueprint, aiming at stimulating cybersecurity education in Europe. It covers all elements of cybersecurity education that are considered relevant by the REWIRE project:

  • A sector skills strategy, analyzing the skill needs and gaps, and providing a methodology to anticipate the upcoming cybersecurity job market needs, as well as an analysis of recent trends and how they are likely to impact the cybersecurity job market;
  • A report on cybersecurity skills intelligence, based on the analysis of several hundreds of job advertisements provided by REWIRE partners, classified and analyzed with respect to occupations, skills and competences, providing information related to the attractiveness of the cybersecurity sector;
  • A skills framework, describing the various job profiles, skills and knowledge relevant for cybersecurity, in an organized manner, and building upon already existing work (ENISA ECSF, ESCO, and outputs from the pilot projects);
  • A governance proposal, identifying how the documentation and the tools developed in the REWIRE Project for skills identification and development could be further developed and maintained in the long term for the benefit of the European community.

The REWIRE Cybersecurity Blueprint focuses on providing a global synthetic vision, consolidated for the REWIRE project, of all elements relevant for cybersecurity education. This intermediate (M36) version will be submitted to CEDEFOP for contribution to their blueprint series, and finalized at the end of the REWIRE project (M48, October 2024).

R3.6.1 European Cybersecurity Blueprint v3 (Public) – Download the PDF

The deliverable describes a European Cybersecurity Blueprint, aiming at stimulating cybersecurity education in Europe. It covers a skills framework, attractiveness of the cybersecurity sector, tools for skills identification and development, and governance. It focuses on providing a global synthetic vision, consolidated for the REWIRE project, of all elements relevant for cybersecurity education.

R4.1.1 Cyberrange Establishment methodology and roadmap (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable aims at providing the infrastructure and expert knowledge for activities utilizing Cyber Ranges and provide the trainings and relevant certification schemes on selected occupational profiles (from the R3.3.1 – Cybersecurity Skills Framework). Its goal is to create the REWIRE Cyber Range platform for the design, exchange and implementation of cyber-exercises for different levels and profiles considering the skills to be acquired. It includes an analysis of the existing Cyber Ranges for educational purposes considering their taxonomy and architectures. Related Use cases have been also analysed; a selection of the capabilities required for the REWIRE Cyber Range; and a detailed specification of the REWIRE Cyber Range platform and the roadmap associated to its deployment.

R4.1.2 REWIRE Cyberrange (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable briefly covers components of the deployed REWIRE Cyber Range Platform and provides access descriptions and links for the platform’s general documentation that is publicly accessible in a GIT repository. The REWIRE Cyber Range Platform will be used for the hands-on exercises in REWIRE courses. The REWIRE CRP will be accessible by students through the REWIRE Virtual Learning Environment, where the exercises will be launched

R4.2.1 REWIRE Curricula and Training Framework (Public Download the PDF)

The REWIRE Curricula and Training Framework, focuses on the development of critical cybersecurity skills for safeguarding digital assets, maintaining privacy, and ensuring secure online transactions. This report provides an overview of the REWIRE curricula and training framework, including course design and best practices for creating a stakeholder network in cybersecurity education. The framework consists of four occupational profiles, covering various aspects of cybersecurity. A multi-criteria selection method ensures alignment with the ECSF, and the course outline is designed to address the skills gap. Establishing a stakeholder network is emphasized to effectively tackle the skills gap in cybersecurity.

R4.2.2 Training courses material (Public)

R4.2.3 Training courses material suitable for VOOC delivery (Public)

R4.3.1 REWIRE Cyber range scenario development framework (Public – Download the PDF)

Several approaches exist for creating hands-on exercises to achieve learning goals. This document focuses on defining basic knowledge for scenario-based learning in cyber ranges and defines a scenario design process and its implementation in the KYPO Cyber Range Platform (CRP). Moreover, the document describes the open content and web-based Scenario Sharing Platform where cybersecurity scenarios and exercises can be shared.

R4.3.2 REWIRE Scenario Sharing Platform (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable offers a concise overview of the key components comprising the operational REWIRE Marketplace. It outlines fundamental details and directs readers to accessible documentation within a publicly available GIT repository. The marketplace’s foundation rests upon Gitlab, a platform that facilitates change tracking, user role management, and more.

R4.4.1 Technical Specifications for the REWIRE VLE (Public – Download the PDF)

The REWIRE VLE will act as the main point for delivering the project’s training activities in the form of VOOCs. It will be based on the already deployed WordPress technology and will expand the REWIRE website with LMS functionalities. This deliverable presents the technical and contextual requirements for the REWIRE VLE, which will host the REWIRE VOOCs.

R4.4.2 REWIRE VLE (Public – Download the PDF)

This report describes the implementation of the REWIRE VLE and the hosted training material.

R4.5.1 Results of the 1st Cybersecurity VOOCs delivery (Public – Download the PDF)

The deliverable documents the successful development and initial deployment of the REWIRE Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as part of the Cybersecurity Skills Alliance.

R4.5.2 Results of the 2nd Cybersecurity VOOCs delivery (Public – Download the PDF)

The deliverable documents the subsequent development and usage of the REWIRE Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as part of the Cybersecurity Skills Alliance.

R4.6.1 Cybersecurity Skills Certification Scheme Core (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable provides a core set of documentation created to support the 4 certification schemes created by the REWIRE project.  Also provides a description of how the core (profile independent) provisions of the certification schemes are implemented.

R4.6.2 Cybersecurity Skills Qualification Standards (Public)

The document provides information on what the REWIRE CISO certification scheme covers in terms of tasks, skills and knowledge. It outlines describes the different roles involved in the certification process, and comprehensively describes the examination mechanism and the system of rules, procedure and management for carrying out certification. Finally, the document presents how the basic principles of the certification scheme are fulfilled.

The document provides information on what the REWIRE Cyber Incident Responder certification scheme covers in terms of tasks, skills and knowledge. It outlines the different roles involved in the certification process, and comprehensively describes the examination mechanism and the system of rules, procedure and management for carrying out certification. Finally, the document presents how the basic principles of the certification scheme are fulfilled.

The document provides information on what the REWIRE Cyber Threat Intelligence Specialist certification scheme covers in terms of tasks, skills and knowledge. It outlines the different roles involved in the certification process, and comprehensively describes the examination mechanism and system of rules, procedure and management for carrying out certification. Finally, the document presents how the basic principles of the certification scheme are fulfilled.

The document provides information on what the REWIRE Penetration Tester certification scheme covers in terms of tasks, skills and knowledge. It outlines the different roles involved in the certification process, and comprehensively describes the examination mechanism and the system of rules, procedure and management for carrying out certification. Finally, the document presents how the basic principles of the certification system are fulfilled.

R4.6.3 Cybersecurity Skills Certification Scheme Examination material (Public Download the PDF)

This deliverable contains the guidelines that were provided to the partners to support the creation of the questions for the theoretical examination of each certification scheme and (in Annex A, not available in the public version of this deliverable due to the confidential nature of the content,) the theoretical and practical exam items for each certification scheme.

R4.6.4 Cybersecurity Skills Certificates (Confidential)

This deliverable presents an overview of the certification process carried out in March and April 2024 (1st round), in September and October 2024 (2nd round) and in November 2024 (3rd round).

R4.6.5 Cybersecurity Skills Assessment Recommendation (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable, presents the developments and theoretical information regarding Cybersecurity skills assessment, builds on the information extracted from the CONCORDIA project and identifies the different assessment methods for cybersecurity knowledge and skills. The information contained within this recommendation, will be used as input in the following activities of the REWIRE project for Cybersecurity Skills Certification.

R5.1.1 CyberABILITY platform (Public – Download the PDF)

The present deliverable serves as a short description of the CyberABILITY platform. This deliverable is complementary to T5.1 whose main output is the platform.

R5.2.1 Annual Cybersecurity Skills Trends Reports (Public)

The Annual Cybersecurity Skills Trends Reports aim to provide insights into the demand and supply of skills in Member State and EU level, trends, mobility of skills, emerging new skills and systematic gaps that require broader action.

R5.2.1 Annual Cybersecurity Skills Trends Report I – Download the PDF

R5.2.1 Annual Cybersecurity Skills Trends Report II – Download the PDF

R5.2.1 Annual Cybersecurity Skills Trends Report III – Download the PDF

R5.3. REWIRE Fiches (Public)

The REWIRE Fiches aim to underpin and illustrate the REWIRE strategy by identifying, documenting, and promoting concrete best and good practices at national and regional level with the objective of addressing skills shortages and mismatches as well as fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships in the field of cybersecurity. The REWIRE Fiches will be made up of a series of fiches presented every six months. To carry out the REWIRE Fiches and achieve its objective, a wide range of initiatives or actions aimed at addressing the cybersecurity skills gap and shortage has been identified so that a much broader spectrum has been obtained. The next steps will consist of deepening the analysis of all the collected initiatives and developing a method to evaluate which of them meet the requirements of being considered an example of best or good practice. 

R5.4. Policy Recommendations (Public)

The Policy Recommendations will be composed of different Policy Briefs presented every six months. Each of these Policy Briefs will aim at conveying the implications of project outputs for policy and practice. The content of the different Policy Briefs will cover the main areas that need to be addressed in the future, such as the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework, the lack of cooperation among stakeholders or the lack of awareness of cybersecurity risks. The purpose will be to implement the solutions of the European Cybersecurity Blueprint proposed through WP3 by facilitating its implementation and making policy recommendations on the different topics to be dealt with. 

R5.5.1 Cybersecurity SSA Network building/Campaign (Public)

R5.5.2 Cybersecurity SSA Network building/Campaign Assessment Report (Public – Download the PDF)

The report provides a summary of various countries’ feedback and engagement regarding the Cybersecurity SSA Network Building/Campaign events, implemented by REWIRE partners during the months 25-45 of the project. It aims to offer an overview of the main achievements; and identifies, documents and promotes best and good practices aiming at addressing cybersecurity skills and shortages as well as fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships.

R5.6.1 National Cybersecurity Events List (Public – Download the PDF)

The report presents a comprehensive collection of national and Europe-wide cybersecurity events aimed at maximizing the outreach and dissemination of REWIRE project results. The events span a wide range of cybersecurity-focused areas, covering important forums, conferences, and workshops that gather key stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and cybersecurity professionals.

R5.6.2 REWIRE National Endorsement Events (Public – Download the PDF)

This deliverable, documents the successful implementation of national endorsement events by the REWIRE Cybersecurity Skills Alliance across partner countries. At least one National Endorsement Event has been implemented within each partner country. The country partners have decided on the best way that the objectives of this task will be achieved and continued either by creating a new event with the relevant national stakeholders or by utilising an existing event.

R5.7.1 Action Plan for the Blueprint sustainability (Public – Download the PDF)

The action plan provides information about the exploitation of the output of the REWIRE project. It focuses on the components developed during the project, either documentation (ECSF, annual trends report for example), software platforms, or content.

R6.1 Quality Assurance Plan (Confidential)

The QA plan contains the evaluation methods and procedures that will be applied during the REWIRE project for assessing and improving the project process, impact and deliverables.

R6.2 Quality Assurance Reports (Confidential)

Short reports are prepared by the Quality Assurance Committee to be presented before each project meeting (i.e. every 8 months months) to the Management Board. The reports contain findings and recommendations for the improvement of the project implementation.

R6.3 Impact Evaluation Reports (Public)

The Impact Evaluation Reports summarize the major achievements of the REWIRE project and discuss whether the project objectives had been met.

R7.1 Stakeholders Analysis (Confidential)

The Stakeholder Analysis document was aimed to identify and develop a comprehensive map of all stakeholders that have either a direct or indirect interest, influence, and impact, at local, regional, national, and European levels. This analysis is used to inform the communication, dissemination and exploitations plans and strategies, allowing the development of tailored approaches based on the stakeholders’ level of influence and importance. This report focuses on those categories of stakeholders considered as the most relevant in the field of Cybersecurity, based on the project goals and objectives, namely: End Users-ICT Professionals; VET providers & Networks; Academia/ Research Institutes; Industrial/ Sectorial partners/Companies/Industry Associations; Certification & Standardization Bodies; Governments/ Authorities/ Policymakers. 

R7.2 Targeting key policymakers (Confidential)

The main objective of the Targeting Key Policymakers document was to develop a map of the key policy makers that have either a direct or indirect interest, influence, and impact in the REWIRE project and to determine these levels of influence and importance in order to inform the dissemination and exploitation strategies and plans. The mapping will also be used in Task 5.4 related to policy recommendations targeting the entities and individuals mapped. It consisted in a three-fold process, namely: (1) mapping stakeholders broadly speaking, i.e. policy makers involved in decision-making processes related to either education and training or cybersecurity; (2) identifying level of importance and influence, and (3) analysis of the information collected and distribution of stakeholders in 4 different groups, based on the level of influence and importance.  

R7.3 Dissemination Plan (Confidential)

The aim of the Dissemination plan is to establish and run the highest possible visibility and communication infrastructure of the project. The dissemination activities, which have been planned based on an initial dissemination roadmap are structured in a way that serves this objective. In all stages of the project (beginning of the project, design of the European Cybersecurity Blueprint, Blueprint Toolbox – Tools, end of the project and after the implementation of it), primary, secondary and key stakeholders will be reached out through communication material and channels (logos that have been created; website that is linked to the social media pages of the REWIRE project; websites and social media of partners which will be used as a communicator; newsletters; flyers; posters; banners; fiches; policy recommendations; networking and synergies with all types of stakeholders).  

R7.4 REWIRE website (Public – Website link)

The REWIRE Website embeds all important sections such as a homepage, project description and its objectives, results with a download option for the public deliverables, and partners’ section with a link to the website page of each one, blueprint, training (cyber range, online courses, certification), cyberABILITY, a media corner with the portfolio of dissemination material, news with a subsection for the newsletters, and contact with details of the coordinator and the general email address. The page includes the privacy policy according to the DGPR regulations and cookies policy. The REWIRE Website abides by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 in order to be accessible by disabled people and other stakeholders. Finally, the project website is linked to the social media pages of the REWIRE project, namely Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

R7.5 Portfolio of dissemination material (Public – Media corner)

The REWIRE dissemination portfolio includes a brochure, a poster, a banner, templates for short articles about the project and the finalised deliverables in MS Word format together with the template for short presentations in MS PowerPoint format to be used for dissemination at project meetings, events, conferences, etc. The different templates and graphic designed documents are created in such a way that the content could be easily translatable in all EU languages. They have originally been created in English and consequently translated in German and French so that they are available in all EU official languages (EN, FR, DE). Following a first version of the flyer created at the beginning of the project implementation stating its objectives and foreseen activities, a new one will be created in a second stage at the end of the project implementation stating its results. 

R7.6 REWIRE International conference (Public – Download the PDF)

The REWIRE Final Conference, part of LLLWeek 2024, showcased the project’s outcomes and provided a platform for discussing ongoing challenges in cybersecurity skills. Stakeholders, including key European policymakers (the Commissioners, DG EMPL, DG CONNECT and ENISA), industry associations, educational providers, and non-profits, had the opportunities to explore these challenges, identify opportunities and propose solutions for cybersecurity education and workforce development. The conference also aimed to raise awareness, facilitate dialogue, and foster collaboration among stakeholders to advance cybersecurity workforce development and enhance societal resilience against emerging threats.

R7.7 Exploitation Plan (Confidential)

The document outlines a strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability and impact of the REWIRE project. The document details methods for stakeholder engagement, including collaboration with VET providers, universities, industry partners, and policymakers. It emphasizes alignment with EU frameworks and includes actions for disseminating results through publications, conferences, and partnerships with organizations like ENISA. Key Exploitable Results (KERs) are identified, with a roadmap for continued use and integration into European cybersecurity strategies, ensuring ongoing relevance and support for workforce development.